
10 products

10 products
Kitchen Tools & Utensils DreamFarm Mini-Supoon
DreamFarm DreamFarm Mini-Supoon
Sky Blue Lime Green Red Classic Blue +4
Mini Supoon by Dreamfarm
Kitchen Tools & Utensils DreamFarm Supoon - Scrape, Stir, and Measure Silicone Spoon
DreamFarm DreamFarm Supoon - Scrape, Stir, and Measure Silicone Spoon Red
Red Orange Yellow Lime Green +4
Supoon by Dreamfarm
Ortwo by Dreamfarm
Brizzle - Scoop, Baste, Drizzle, Brush by Dreamfarm
DreamFarm Dreamfarm Ortwo Lite - One-Handed Plastic Spice Mill / Grinder
Ortwo Lite by Dreamfarm
Dreamfarm Icepo Ice Cream Scoop for ice cream sandwiches
Dreamfarm Icepo Ice cream scoop for ice cream sandwiches
Icepo by Dreamfarm
Scizza by Dreamfarm
DreamFarm Dreamfarm Knibble Lite - Black
Knibble Lite by Dreamfarm
Levoon Measuring Spoons with leveling tool
Levoon kitchen utensil set including teaspoons and tablespoon
Levoons Measuring Spoons by Dreamfarm
self-leveling measuring cup with oil
two self-leveling cooking measuring cups
Levups Self-Leveling Measuring Cups by Dreamfarm

Dreamfarm Kitchen Utensils

Levups. Levoons. Scizza and Brizzle. A kitchen full of sizzles and drizzles. That's just a little glimpse of what Dreamfarm, an award-winning Australian kitchenware company, makes possible. Their innovative, improved kitchen utensils and cooking tools, paired with a unique naming scheme, propel their brand to dreamy heights that few competitors seem to reach. Supoon, Ortwo, Smood Lite, and Knibble... your favorite kitchen utensils are all products created by Dreamfarm!

The Mission and Vision of Dreamfarm

Do what has never been done before - that's the aim of Dreamfarm. Dreamfarm designers create kitchen utensils with multipurpose functionality - and they will blow you away. Dreamfarm strives to solve universal kitchen problems by providing cooking products that make baking up a storm a breeze. Items created by Dreamfarm take incredible ideas and turn them into genius gadgets. Behind it all is an unmatched intentionality, focused on quality and value for their customers. They don't create products unless problems can be fixed with them and their designing is done completely in-house. The Dreamfarm brand is known for combining common kitchen tools necessary for making masterpiece meals with innovative inventions designed to make life in the kitchen easy. Dreamfarm products help you focus on your food, not your frustrations!

Dreamfarm - Names That Make Sense

Forgot what that one Dreamfarm product you wanted was called? No worries, simply start describing what it does and you can probably pick out its name in mere moments. Just as Dreamfarm products are designed for functionality, so is their item naming scheme, which makes it memorable too. A spatula that sits up off your kitchen counter and doubles as a spoon - why of course, it should be called a Supoon! An ice cream scoop that achieves perfect portions - the Icepo. Self-leveling measuring cups... you guessed it, it's gotta be Levups.

Dreamfarm Products We Love

At Kooi Housewares, we are proud advocates of Dreamfarm kitchen utensils. We sell a number of their gadgets both in-store and online. Here's a snapshot of several products we adore:

Dreamfarm Pizza Scizza

Have you ever been frustrated at how ineffective your kitchen tools are for slicing pizza? The typical pizza wheel scrapes up your pizza stone and isn't always efficient at finding the perfect cut... not to mention, pizza night requires more kitchen utensils than you bother to admit using for one meal. Enter the Scizza, the Dreamfarm pizza scissors designed to both slice and serve pizza with ease and order, instead of crumbs and chaos. It's a dream you won't want to wake up from - except it's real life!

Dreamfarm Icepo

Ice cream sandwiches are always a toughie. Whether you're eating and enjoying them, or creating them yourself, they're one of those things that will seemingly always have both an upside and a downside... they taste great, but are super messy. They're worth melting over, but only if you do before the ice cream. Here's some food for thought - a kitchen utensil that perfectly portions your ice cream evenly for every sandwich you make! This item is the cream of the crop since it gets the job done with little mess and no stress. The Icepo takes all the guesstimating out of the equation when making homemade sweet treats by accurately measuring 1/2-cup servings of ice cream for your sandwiches. Convenient, easy to clean, and simple to use - all characteristic traits that define Dreamfarm products.

Dreamfarm Levoons and Levups

Tired of getting your fingers messy every time you want to do some baking? Scraping off the excess ingredients from your measuring spoons means lots of trips to the sink to rinse your hands and probably more kitchen cleanup than you want to think about. Here's yet another Dreamfarm item that will solve those problems - Levoons. The self-leveling measuring spoons have a built-in scraper that removes the extra dry ingredients from the top of them with just a squeeze of the sides. You'll be a one-handed measuring wonder with them! Dreamfarm also created a sidekick, the Levups, which are self-leveling measuring cups that accomplish the same task as Levoons, but for greater quantities of ingredients. Things you didn't know you needed until you found out they existed - that's what Dreamfarm is all about.

Dreamfarm - It's A Brand Behind Which We Stand

We could go on and on about the functionality and versatility that Dreamfarm products offer - their value is limitless. However, we believe there's no better way to believe the dream than to see for yourself. Try out some of our favorites and see what you think - you'll truly be living the dream!

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